Recognized by more than 30 million Muslims around the world as the most accurate prayer time & azan application, Muslim Pro also features the full Quran with Arabic scripts, phonetics, translations and audio recitations as well as a Qibla locator, an Islamic Hijri calendar, a map of halal restaurants and Mosques, etc… Muslim Pro – […]
Quran Majeed – Ramadan القرآن المجيد v4.0.8 [Premium] Review
Quran Majeed قرآن is an amazing Quran app that beautifies your life with the blessing of reading and listening to the Quran on the go. The latest version of the authentic Quran Majeed app for Android offers complete Quran in the elegant Uthmanic script and IndoPak Script proofread by a Muslim Islamic scholar (‘alim), multiple […]
Muslim Pro – Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla v10.4 [Premium] Review
Recognized by more than 30 million Muslims around the world as the most accurate prayer time & azan application, Muslim Pro also features the full Quran with Arabic scripts, phonetics, translations and audio recitations as well as a Qibla locator, an Islamic Hijri calendar, a map of halal restaurants and Mosques, etc… Muslim Pro – […]
iLiturgia v9.2.4 (Paid) Review
The iLiturgia enables pray the Liturgy of the Hours and the Rosary. iLiturgia v9.2.4 (Paid) Review Latest version for Android. Brief Summary and introduction of iLiturgia v9.2.4 (Paid).
Muslim Pro – Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla v10.3.3 [Premium] Review
Recognized by more than 30 million Muslims around the world as the most accurate prayer time & azan application, Muslim Pro also features the full Quran with Arabic scripts, phonetics, translations and audio recitations as well as a Qibla locator, an Islamic Hijri calendar, a map of halal restaurants and Mosques, etc… Muslim Pro – […]
Muslim Pro – Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla v10.3.2 [Premium] Review
Recognized by more than 30 million Muslims around the world as the most accurate prayer time & azan application, Muslim Pro also features the full Quran with Arabic scripts, phonetics, translations and audio recitations as well as a Qibla locator, an Islamic Hijri calendar, a map of halal restaurants and Mosques, etc… Muslim Pro – […]
Muslim Pro – Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla v10.3.1 [Premium] Review
Recognized by more than 30 million Muslims around the world as the most accurate prayer time & azan application, Muslim Pro also features the full Quran with Arabic scripts, phonetics, translations and audio recitations as well as a Qibla locator, an Islamic Hijri calendar, a map of halal restaurants and Mosques, etc… Muslim Pro – […]