Aurora is a skin for Poweramp 3 with many customizable features included various material background colors, alternative layout, album art styles and more. You can change almost anything to match your style. Aurora – Material Poweramp v3 Skin v2.6 [Paid] Review Latest version for Android. Brief Summary and introduction of Aurora – Material Poweramp v3 Skin v2.6 [Paid].
Overview & Features of Aurora – Material Poweramp v3 Skin v2.6 [Paid]
So for the latest version of Aurora – Material Poweramp v3 Skin v2.6 [Paid] APK, You can read a brief overview and features list below.
Overview: Aurora is a skin for Poweramp 3 with many customizable features included various material background colors, alternative layout, album art styles and more. You can change almost anything to match your style.
Aurora is a skin for Poweramp 3 with many customizable features included various material background colors, alternative layout, album art styles and more. You can change almost anything to match your style.
* 6 Player UI Layouts : Default, Alternative (Left Title), Alternative (Centered Title), [AA Blur] Default, [AA Blur] Alternative (LT), [AA Blur] Alternative (CT)
* 17 Material Accent Colors : White, Red, Pink, Purple, Deep Purple, Indigo, Blue, Light Blue, Cyan, Teal, Green, Light Green, Lime, Yellow, Amber, Orange, Deep Orange
* 14 Material Background Colors : Grey, Blue Grey, Brown, Red, Pink, Purple, Deep Purple, Indigo, Blue, Cyan, Teal, Green, Yellow, Orange
* 3 Library Icon Sets : Default, Material, Unicons
* 4 Player UI Album Art Styles : Square, Rounded, More Rounded, Circle
* 4 Library Album Art Styles : Square, Rounded, More Rounded, Circle
* 3 Seekbar Styles : Default, Static Seekbar, Divided Waveseek
* 4 Wave Seekbar Styles : Adaptive Rounded, Rounded, Rectangle (Thick), Rectangle (Thin)
* 2 Knob and Eq Styles : Colorful, Stroke
* Minimal UI
* Pro Buttons (w/o Simple Seekbar)
* Small Play Button
* Hide Track Menu Button
* Adaptive Text Color
* Transparent Navigation Bar
* More Coming Soon
For blur layouts, to avoid buttons or texts not visible/readable, you need to change Background Intensity (Poweramp > Settings > Background). Recommended: set to 80%
If you experience problem after an update, follow this method
* Open the skin from app launcher
* Select Open Skin Settings
* Disable the skin
* Scroll down, look for the skin settings that suddenly becomes empty, then set it again.
* Enable the skin
* Done
You must have Poweramp 3 installed to use this skin
What’s New:
Aurora 2.6
* New 6 Album Art Transition Styles : Default, Crossfade, Tumble, Tablet, Cube, Card
* New 4 Adaptive Title Color Styles : Default, Track, Album and Artist, Both
* Capitalize and Font Style has been optimized, now more stable
* Small bug fixes and Improvements
This app has no advertisements
Aurora – Material Poweramp v3 Skin v2.6 [Paid] APK – Technical Details
Before you start full Aurora – Material Poweramp v3 Skin v2.6 [Paid] App purchase, you can read below technical APK details:
- Full Application Name: Aurora – Material Poweramp v3 Skin v2.6 [Paid]
- Supported Android Versions: 5.0+
- APK File Name:
- APK File Size: 2.6 MB
- Official Play Store Link:
Aurora – Material Poweramp v3 Skin v2.6 [Paid] Review
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