Recognized by more than 30 million Muslims around the world as the most accurate prayer time & azan application, Muslim Pro also features the full Quran with Arabic scripts, phonetics, translations and audio recitations as well as a Qibla locator, an Islamic Hijri calendar, a map of halal restaurants and Mosques, etc… Muslim Pro – Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla v10.8 [Premium] Review Latest version for Android. Brief Summary and introduction of Muslim Pro – Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla v10.8 [Premium].
Overview & Features of Muslim Pro – Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla v10.8 [Premium]
So for the latest version of Muslim Pro – Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla v10.8 [Premium] APK, You can read a brief overview and features list below.
Overview: Recognized by more than 30 million Muslims around the world as the most accurate prayer time & azan application, Muslim Pro also features the full Quran with Arabic scripts, phonetics, translations and audio recitations as well as a Qibla locator, an Islamic Hijri calendar, a map of halal restaurants and Mosques, etc…
The most popular Muslim app.
• Accurate prayer times based on your current location with multiple settings available (angles)
• Azan: visual and audio notifications for the calls for prayer with many muezzin voices to choose from
• Fasting times (Imsak and Iftar) during Ramadan
• Access prayer times directly from the Today menu of the device (iOS8 and iOS9 only)
• The Holy Quran (Al Qur’an) with audio recitations (mp3), phonetics and translations
• “Tasbih” to count your dhikr
• Halal restaurants and mosques locations around you
• Animated Qibla compass and map to show you the direction to Mecca
• Complete Muslim Hijri calendar to estimate holy dates such as Eid-Ul-Fitr and Eid-Ul-Adha
• 99 names of Allah
• Beautiful Islamic greeting cards (Eid Mubarak, Ramadan Kareem, etc…)
• Hisn’ul Muslim (Fortress of the Muslim): a collection of doas and supplications)
• App and Quran fully translated to: Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Melayu, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Português, Türkçe, العربية, اردو, русский, 简体中文, 日本語, ภาษาไทย
(1) if you feel that the app is giving you wrong prayer times, it is most likely related to your settings. In most cases, enabling auto-settings is the safest way to obtain the most accurate prayer times.
In-app purchases / Billing: should you decide to upgrade to the Premium version of Muslim Pro, this will allow you to use your existing Google Play Store account to make a secure payment.
Location (GPS and network-based): your location is required to calculate accurate prayer times, the Qibla and to find halal restaurants and mosques nearby.
Storage / Photos / Media / Files: this permission is required to save downloaded content such as additional adhans, audio recitations and translations of the Quran.
Phone / Device ID & Call Information: this permission is required to obtain a unique device ID to secure the usage of our free credits and invitation code as well as to secure your purchase should you decide to upgrade to the Premium version of Muslim Pro. This device identifier is anonymous.
What’s New:
• NEW! Create playlists of your own to listen and share your favourite Suras.
• Bug fixes and optimisations.
Mod Info:
Premium features unlocked.
This app has no advertisements
Muslim Pro – Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla v10.8 [Premium] APK – Technical Details
Before you start full Muslim Pro – Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla v10.8 [Premium] App purchase, you can read below technical APK details:
- Full Application Name: Muslim Pro – Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla v10.8 [Premium]
- Supported Android Versions: 4.1+
- APK File Name: Muslim_Pro-Premium-v10.8_build_10080030-armeabi-v7a.apk
- APK File Size: 21 MB
- Official Play Store Link:
Muslim Pro – Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla v10.8 [Premium] Review
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